( 14-08-2015 - 02:46 PM ) - Views: 6637

Laboratory of TAYSAIGON PETRO acted extremely important improvement and research to improve the quality of lubricants meet the stringent standards of the International




Laboratory of TAYSAIGON PETRO acted extremely important improvement and research to improve the quality of lubricants meet the stringent standards of the International, now laboratory has the following tasks:


  • Ongoing development lubricating oils meet international specifications newest.
  • Improvements in industrial areas
  • Management quality of raw materials and finished products



Expertise work in the laboratory of TAYSAIGON PETRO ensure products meet the expectations of the experts as well as to achieve the highest performance levels.



The laboratory is equipped with devices the most advanced technologies, so the formula is manufactured at the factory are qualified.


  • These devices measure the kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity (CCS, MRV, Ravenfield)
  • The standard equipment level
  • Spectrometers (ICP, infrared spectroscopy Fourier transform)
  • The device determines the character of rotation at low temperatures
  • The device determines the evaporation
  • The test surface tension (the foaming, the gas separation, ...)
  • The oxidation resistance test, corrosion resistance
  • The mechanical tests (4-balls, Reichert ...)

All tests and analyzes carried out in laboratories have to meet national standards and international (AFNOR, ISO, ASTM, CEC ...).