What makes TSG Petro

( 19-08-2015 - 09:10 PM ) - Views: 10155

What makes Tay Sai Gon Petro?

  • Factory

Lubricant blending plant Taysaigon Petro located on 5000 m2 area in Ap Thanh Hiep, Thanh Phu Commune, Ben Luc District, Long An Province. The plant operates on fully automated production lines, dispensing systems and filling Japanese technology, the ability to meet the standards of the American Petroleum Institute API United States. With a design capacity of the plant more than 20,000 tons / year, Taysaigon Petro will meet most orders large quantities to the partners in and outside the territory of Vietnam.




With the motto of spiritual care personnel is also important not least important than fostering the development of professional competencies, Taysaigon Petro apply policies to the family concerned by the activity staff bonus late, organizing family outing, ensure adequate insurance policies for employees as prescribed and above all the attention of the leadership of each member of the family Taysaigon Petro.


  • Vision & Mission

To build a company with a friendly working environment and cooperation towards common goals and have their own cultural identity. Bring many benefits to the community, protecting the environment and improving life increasingly staff.



- To build a company with a friendly working environment and cooperation towards common goals and have their own cultural identity

- Bring many benefits to the community, protecting the environment and improving life increasingly staff


- Developed according to international standards to become one of the providers of products lubrication and maintenance of equipment leading.

- Become oil production company meets international standards, leading manufacturers of Asia caQuoc International.

- As a reliable partner of all customer segments and provides solutions to lubrication excellence and the most efficient.