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About TaySaiGon Petro
( 17-08-2015 - 04:26 PM ) - Views: 17444
Corporation Import Export Trading Central Saigon (Taysaigon Petro) formerly predecessor company specialized lubricants imported from Europe, America, Japan, Korea and distributed to agents on head Vietnam.
Corporation Import Export Trading Central Saigon (Taysaigon Petro) formerly predecessor company specialized lubricants imported from Europe, America, Japan, Korea and distributed to agents on head Vietnam.
In 2006, with the investment from a group of shareholders are businessmen and oil experts from the country of Japan, we started researching production of lubricants.
In 2007, On the basis of joint venture with partners in Japan, we began construction of lubricant factory located in communal bar Petro Taysaigon half, Ben Luc District, Long An Province. The plant has a design capacity of 20,000 tonnes / year, dispensing technology and automated filling and applied technology from the leading experts in the country of Japan, output is controlled strictly standards of quality management system ISO 9001, to ensure product quality according to international standards.
For more than one decade, has had marked her long lubricant brand in the market Taysaigon Petro Vietnam, known as a lubricant brand with quality international standards at affordable prices with the family budget, Taysaigon Petro strives increasingly complete its product range with the active commitment of the community to always be alongside fellow Vietnam family land on all roads country.
In addition, for the transport enterprises and production, Petro Taysaigon friend and trusted companion in all this time.